Mindful Blog

Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week is on.Sometimes I think that mental health needs to actually be emotional health................Does one come before the other? Or are they connected closely. If you inquire into this for yourself, you may have difficulty in deciding what...

The Mind is Unreliable

In our society, we value our brains a lot. So much so, that our heart and body is disregarded. It can be like the body is just there to carry the head around. Our society values knowledge, science and mindset.But are we missing out?You know or suspect that there is...

A Talk I gave to a Business Women’s Coffee group about what I do.

Your mind is now full of what others have said and what’s going on for you today, so lets stop for a moment. Let your gaze wander the room and alight on 3 different things for 2 seconds on each. No thinking. Then listen – what can you hear that’s a long way away -...

The Chaos of the World

The world is in chaos.Wars and genocide and climate change and poverty and colonisation and abuse and people losing jobs.Government systems not doing what they are supposed to.Out of your control.How do you cope with it?Do you learn as much as you can- so you can be...

A South Island trip on my own

It’s hard to put into words.Something that there are no words for.However, to start at the beginning is usually a useful place to start.I was dreaming of a road trip in the South Island, a trip for a length of time with no plan. A fluffy dream, away from day to day...

The past

You can’t change what happened in your past.What happened, happened.BUT you can change how you remember what happened.You can change how you interpret it.You can stop it hurting.You can stop it affecting you now.So that is pretty amazing, isn’t it.Because then you can...

Recipe for an Awesome Life

Ingredients:All hours of the day - appreciate the body and how it worksAll hours of the day – listen to your body and rest if it needs rest.3 meals a day – give yourself nutritious food. Plus snacks.15 times a day - notice the beauty around you15 times a day – focus...

What is real?

What is real and what is unreal?I used to say there is nothing more real than birth and death.I stand by that.Giving birth is a miracle, each of my 5 times, a time stopping experience. Even though the miracle actually starts 9 months beforehand. Time just seems to...

What pulls you away from yourself?

In essence, I experience my true self to be spacious, peaceful nothing. From here I can live life in true freedom. A freedom where I do not take anything personally – so I don’t get upset by what anyone says, I don’t get in a tangle in my mind about what I should do,...

5 tips for a better life

Everyone wants a better life, don’t they? Self improvement is rife. What about wanting a truer life?1. Listen to your body. What does this mean? I’m sure you think you do listen because I bet that you certainly notice when the body is in pain or not working how you...