I had a sore knee and had physio for a while. After it was better and not bothering me and I’d forgotten about it – many weeks after, someone asked me how it was. I had to stop and think. The next day it was very sore for a few hours. It hadn’t been sore for months.
I met someone I hadn’t seen for a while and she talked about the pain in her hip and how she was on waiting list for surgery. I told her that I used to get sharp pain in my hip, but hadn’t for quite some time, since I stopped exercising. Later that day and through the night, my hip was really sore with sharp pain some of the time. The next day, no pain.
What is going on? How does that work? Or is it just a coincidence? What do you think?
Have you had someone, maybe someone in authority, someone you trust should know, tell you what is going on for you. And whether you had thought of that or not, somehow you then believe it and it happens. So this could be a medical person and they might be telling you about a medical condition that you have and the consequences. And so it is. Or it could be a therapist that you are seeing. Maybe they give you a label and you research and suddenly there it all is – the symptoms are there.
We all vary in our suggestibility. Some people are very suggestible and others not so much. How can I say this…………because there has been controlled research done with hypnotherapy which showed that some people respond easily to suggestions and others not so much.
When we are aware of our personal suggestibility we can see it happening everywhere. Recently I was having reflexology and was given a choice of having a light blanket over me or a heavier one. I chose the heavier one. I was told “You’ll cook”. In my head there was a second of doubt, nearly believing what she said, then I realised what was happening and decided that I would be pleasantly warm and comfortable.
So we can notice the words that are used towards us. We can be aware of the energy in them. You can have a play with them.
And if you notice that you are especially susceptible to suggestion, masquerading as definite, from anyone in authority, come see me and we can unravel this.
You can learn to be clear on what is important for you. You may still follow the suggestions from authority but because you make the decision to, not just because they say so.
Our brains are funny things. Our mind is a funny thing. What is really real and what is not?