An adventure into this moment

An adventure into this moment.This moment, not the next and not the last but right here, right now. Not talking about it but being.So if I accept and are willing to be right here right now, in this moment, what might happen? Do I know? And, if I don’t know, then it...

It can be panicky to not know the future

It can be panicky to not know what’s in the future. There is something about knowing that gives a space to relax and feel secure. What is that really? Why do we like to know?Sometimes, even if it’s bad stuff, it’s better to know that not know. Then...


Recently I saw the movie “Penguin Bloom”. Maybe you have seen it. Maybe you also had tears running down your cheeks.One of the children blames himself for his mum becoming a paraplegic. And the film shows how he then interprets the way his mother looks at him, the...