I can do this.

How well do you know you? What do you have to know to know yourself? Is it about how good you are at doing things? Or what knowledge you have? Or what makes you angry? Or knowing how you react to authority? Or knowing you don’t like a certain type of person? Or...

How to stop your mind.

Can you feel the stillness inside you?If you stop thinking just for a moment, can you feel the stillness? Maybe you wonder how to stop thinking. Maybe you are trying to work out how to stop – but that is using your thinking, isn’t it?Maybe you think that if you could...

Caring for yourself.

Caring for yourself.This is not simple. Not as simple as having a massage now and then. Not as simple as having time to read a book. Not as simple as having a holiday. There seem to be so many facets involved. There is caring for the body: thinking about the food we...

What are your thinking patterns?

What sort of pattern does your thinking take?For me, the first trigger to thinking could be noticing a sound, a word, something visual, a sensation in my body or even a thought. Then there is an automatic, speed of lightening movement to ongoing thinking. This...