Are you missing out?

Are you missing out on happiness and fulfilment?You will be if you are in your head thinking all the time.Do you notice that your thoughts can be swirling and frustration can be growing when you have a problem to solve?Do you notice that your thoughts can go to the...

How many thoughts do you think each day?

Want to guess?100? 1,000? 10,000? or more?How about between 12,000 and 80,000. Goodness knows how they counted them. Surely would be harder than counting sheep!This is according to a National Science Foundation article that summarized some research in 2005.Not only...

How fiercely do you judge yourself?

Can you ever just accept yourself as you are? Or is this too big a thing?What about just accept parts of you?Actually, why not find the parts of you that you don’t judge negatively? Can you do that?We get so hooked into the negative that we can easily overlook the...

The Gift of Covid

What, there is a gift?? Really!!The gift, to put in simple terms was in stopping and resting. I don’t know whether you were able to stop and rest. Maybe there were straight forward reason why you couldn’t. Alternatively, maybe you didn’t let yourself stop and rest....